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1Wearing Your Own Diaper
2Putting On Someone Else's Diaper
3Wearing a Diaper Discreetly
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Co-authored byMelissa Matos
Last Updated: January 11, 2024
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Adults find themselves wearing diapers for a variety of reasons. Whether you’re wearing a diaper because of a medical condition, a physical accident, by choice, or hoping to help a loved one wear a diaper, you or your loved ones can wear a diaper safely and securely.
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:
Wearing Your Own Diaper
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Fold the diaper properly. Before you put on your own diaper, make sure to fold it properly. Fold the diaper length-ways with the back sheet facing outwards; you don't want a hard crease, just a soft fold. Make sure you do not touch the inside of the diaper. You do not want to contaminate it.
- This folding step is just designed to avoid contaminating the diaper as you put it on. If you're using cloth diapers, there is also folding involved in actually preparing the diaper for wearing. For more information about folding cloth diapers, check out How to Fold a Cloth Diaper.
Place the diaper on front-to-back. Once you've folded the diaper, place the diaper front to back, with the smaller portion running between your legs. Carefully hold the brief in place as you make any necessary adjustments. Once again, make sure your hands do not come into contact with the diaper.
Adjust the diaper to a comfortable position. Once the diaper is in place, make any adjustment necessary. Many people find it most comfortable to pull the bottom edges downward, creating something like pant legs. It may also be comfortable to adjust the top of the diaper so it's forming a straight, horizontal line along your hips.
Tape up the diaper. Once you have the diaper in a comfortable position, use the adhesive tape provided to secure it in place. Most brands of adult diapers come with four pieces of tape: two on the bottom sides and two on the top. It may be helpful to angle the tape slightly upwards as this improves how the diaper fits around the legs.
Adjust the edges for your comfort. Once the diaper is on, make any necessary adjustments for your own comfort. The edges of the brief should ease into the groin to avoid chafing or rashes. You may have to fold the edges over slightly so the sides are not as sharp.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:
Putting On Someone Else's Diaper
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Fold the diaper. Gently fold the brief length-ways to make a soft fold; you don't need a hard crease. Keep the back sheet turned outwards. Do not touch the inside of the diaper as you want to avoid contamination. It might be a good idea to wear gloves during this process.
Place the wearer on the side. Have the wearer lie on his or her side. Gently place the brief between his or her legs, the larger backside facing the buttocks. Fan out the rear end so it fully covers the buttocks.
Place the wearer on the back. Have the wearer roll onto his or her back. Have him or her move slowly as to not ruffle the diaper. Fan out the front of the diaper, as you did with the back. Make sure the diaper is not scrunched at all between the legs.
Tape up the diaper. Once the diaper is a comfortable position, secure the adhesive tape. Most diapers will have four pieces of tape: two on the bottom on two on the top. Make sure the diaper fits snuggly but make sure the wearer is still comfortable. You do not want to tape the diaper up too tight as this can cause discomfort.
Adjust the edges for the wearer's comfort. Make sure the wearer is comfortable. You may have to fold the edges inward slightly so they ease into the groin area. Ask the wearer if he or she is comfortable and if you should make any adjustments.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:
Wearing a Diaper Discreetly
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Find the right products. If you want to wear diapers subtly, take some time and care selecting products. It is worth doing research into what might work best for you--there are various products available that will help you feel physically comfortable, ranging from briefs, pads, to specialty incontinence underwear. Many brands of adult diapers are fairly easy to wear without others noticing.
- Choose a product you can easily fit in a bag and briefcase. Less bulky diapers tend to be easier to conceal as they can be folded. You can use a winter hat to bring a fresh brief to bathroom to change a mess. However, be careful when folding a diaper as you do not want to cause any damage to the product.[1]
- Make sure you select a product that's strong enough for you, however. If you're nervous about choosing a product, talk to your doctor and ask for a recommendation. He or she should be able to recommend a good brand for you based on your medical history.[2]
Have a plan for discreet disposal. Many people worry about disposing diapers when out at work, school, or running errands. Most people worry about others noticing they're wearing adult diapers. Having a game plan in mind for discreet disposal can help.
- Be aware of what's available in terms of dumpsters, trash cans, restrooms, and changing areas in any given area. This can help you act fast in the event of an emergency.[3]
- Stock up on scented disposal bags. These allow you to discard diapers in places like public garbage cans without the smell becoming noticeable.[4]
- Remember, it is impossible to plan for every scenario. However, having a set game plan for some of your regular outings can help you dispose diapers without too much notice.[5]
Select the right clothing. Proper clothing can help you conceal the fact you're wearing an adult diaper. Make the right wardrobe choices when going out.
- Opt for somewhat high-waisted, loose fitting pants.[6]
- A shirt that tucks in or does not pull up can also help conceal a diaper.[7]
Seek support. Dealing with wearing diapers can be embarrassing for many. Look for support groups in your area. You can also find forums online where people share stories and offer tips for coping with adult incontinence.
- It is also important to challenge messages that are rooted in ableism and marginalization; all bodies are diverse in terms of shape and functioning, and raising awareness of the needs of those wearing diapers is part of ensuring inclusivity for all.
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Nurses also use gloves when their patients are changed. One uses gloves with every change and carries them in their pocket. Apply barrier cram with them on and then remove them for clean hands to apply new brief. People also use gloves to change catheters. For some who have trouble with the feeling of peeing or defecating in a diaper full time, wearing a catheter means they just pee naturally and without effort of control. People used to use their catheters also, so those that are bowel IC but need to use catheters to empty their bladders.
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Generally diaper users bring their whole diaper backpack to bathroom for every change. They have compartments to carry out soiled and wet briefs. They are on the bag of their wheelchair or scooter.
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You can have an adult diaper pail in your bedroom. It has a clear lining bag and can hold 2 to 3 days of used briefs, wipes gloves and underpads. If you wear cloth diapers, you may want two pails. If you wear diapers and don't have air conditioning, having a sealing pail will be even more important.
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- ↑ http://blog.caregiverpartnership.com/2012/08/adult-diapers-how-to-wear-them.html
- ↑ http://blog.caregiverpartnership.com/2012/08/adult-diapers-how-to-wear-them.html
- ↑ http://blog.caregiverpartnership.com/2012/08/adult-diapers-how-to-wear-them.html
About This Article

Co-authored by:
Melissa Matos
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
This article was co-authored by Melissa Matos. Dr. Melissa Matos is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist based in Long Beach, California. With over ten years of experience, she specializes in rehabilitation psychology and helping individuals adapt and thrive while living with a chronic health condition or disability. She has presented nationally on the psychological aspects of living with chronic health conditions including social stigma and concealment in apparent and non-apparent differences. She was also recently featured in Bald Life magazine where she discussed mental health awareness and alopecia areata. She earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Alliant International University, Los Angeles, her MA in Psychology from Chapman University, and her BA in Psychology from California State University-Fullerton. Dr. Matos is a Multiple Sclerosis Certified Specialist and is licensed to practice psychology in California. She is a member of the American Psychological Association and Division 22 Rehabilitation Psychology of the American Psychological Association. She is also listed in the National Register as a Health Service Provider in Psychology. This article has been viewed 532,936 times.
59 votes - 87%
Co-authors: 42
Updated: January 11, 2024
Categories: Youth and Adult Diapers
Article SummaryX
To wear an adult diaper, start by standing up so it's easier to put on. Then, place the thin, middle section of the diaper between your legs so the inside of the diaper is facing up. Once the diaper is between your legs, bring the tabs on the front and back of the diaper together and tape them to each other so the diaper is secure. Finally, adjust the diaper by shifting it up or down and folding the edges over until it feels comfortable. To learn how to help someone else put on an adult diaper, keep reading.
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