Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (2024)

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (1)

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (2)

Hey guys, today we are thrilled to announce our latest game update, packed with a ton of new items and a bunch of QoL features along with a few bug fixes. Scroll down to read the best of

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (3)

Blessed Dizanas Quiver
The quiver provides an additional ammunition slot, which can only be filled with any kind of ammunition. It can be found in the Slayer Shop for 7,500 Slayer Points (about 2M PKP). You can also combine it with a max cape to create a Dizanas max cape. The Quiver Breaks on Death and costs 1K PKP to fix (dropped for killer). The Quiver is tradeable.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (4)

Blood Moon Armour
The armour, primarily the chest and legs, have the same strength bonus asbandos armour, making it very popular for mid-level players due to its cheap cost and accessibility. The defensive bonuses are much weaker than that of Bandos armour, barring its slash defence (which is only slightly lower) and magic defence, which is significantly higher.When worn with all of the other pieces of the armour set, the player gains theBloodragerset effect, where thedual macuahuitlhas a 33% chance to hit oneticksooner upon asuccessful hit; using the weapon's special attack guarantees the effect.

The Armour can be found in the Pk Shop:
- Dual Machauhuitl - 5K PKP from Pk Shop
- Blood Moon helm - 2.5K PKP from Pk Shop
- Blood Moon chestplate - 5K PKP from Pk Shop
- Blood Moon tassets - 5K PKP from Pk Shop

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (5)

Blue Moon Armour
The armour, when worn with all of the other pieces of the armour set, the player gains the Frostweaver set effect, where after casting a bind spell the blue moon spear has a 20% chance for its next melee attack to be unaffected by action delays. This attack can be performed automatically by enabling it in the combat options menu.

When the special attack is used while casting movement impairing attack spells, the next activation of the Frostweaver effect will also trigger the special allowing for a 3-hit combo that starts with the spell cast and ends with the melee hit from the Frostweaver effect. Additionally, the damage from the Special attack and the melee attack from Frostweaver count toward Strength experience despite the animations for the special attack being Fend and the Frostweaver hit being Jab.

The helm, chestplate and tassets each gives a 1% Magic damage bonus for a total of 3%.

The Armour can be found in the Pk Shop:
- Blue Moon spear - 5K PKP from Pk Shop.
- Blue Moon hem - 2.5K PKP from Pk Shop.
- Blue Moon chestplate - 5K PKP from Pk Shop.
- Blue Moon tassets - 5K PKP from Pk Shop.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (6)

Eclipse Moon Armour
The armourhas similar defensive stats to Steel Armour but with higher Crush defense and Magic defence.

When worn with all of the other pieces of the armour set, the player gains the Eclipse set effect, where the eclipse atlatl has a 20% chance to inflict a burn effect on the targets. Whilst burnt, the target will be dealt 10 damage over the course of 40 ticks, or 24 seconds (1 damage every 4 ticks), and can be stacked up to five times.

The Armour can be found in the Pk Shop:
- Eclipse Atlatl - 5K PKP from Pk Shop.
- Eclipse Moon helm - 2.5K PKP from Pk Shop.
- Eclipse Moon chestplate - 5K PKP from Pk Shop.
- Eclipse Moon tassets - 5K PKP from Pk Shop.
- Atlatl Dart - 3 PKP EACH from Pk Shop.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (7)Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (8)

The weapons can be found in the Pk Point store.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (9)

Tonalztics of Ralos
TheTonalztics of Ralosis a thrown weapon that requires level 75Rangedto equip. Unlike mostthrown weapons, it is not stackable and provides unlimited "ammo".

The weapon hits a target for 0-75% of the player'smaximum ranged hittwice.

It can be found in the Pk Point store for 15,000 Pk Points.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (10)

Echo Boots
Echo bootsare an enhanced pair ofguardian bootswhich require level 75Defenceto wear. They are made by combining the boots with anecho crystal, an item found from the Slayer Store (250 SP). Compared to its predecessor, it gives an additional +2prayer bonusand a passive effect in which the boots deal 1 recoil damage to targets attacking the player, in a 3x3 square around the player. This effectively restricts recoiled targets to those in melee range. They have infinite charges on Roat Pkz and have an estimated value of 10,000 Pk Points.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (11)

Sunfire Rune + Searing Page
Searing pagesare an upgraded variant ofburnt pagesmade by adding 100sunfire runesto one page. When used on atome of fireto charge it, the tome gains a 10% minimum hit on their target when casting anystandard spellbook'sfire spells. However, the minimum hit is based on the player’s maximum hitbeforethe tome’s 10% damage boost is applied. For example, a player with an original maximum hit of 19 would have a minimum hit of 1 when using sunfire runes. If the player equips a tome charged with searing pages, the maximum hit will be boosted to 20, but the minimum hit will remain 1.

Sunfire Rune is asuperior variant of the fire rune, any successful hit with offensive fire spells will deal a minimum of 10% of the player's max hit.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (12)

Sulphur Blades
Sulphur bladesare a two-handed weapon that requires level 55Attackto wield, obtained for free in the melee accessories shop. Uniquely, the weapon hits twice per attack, rolling damage normally and splitting it across twohitsplats.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (13)

Sunfire Fanatic Armour
The Sunfire Fanatic armour can be found as a reward from Medium Clue Casket.

- Sunfire fanatic helm - 10K PKP - Medium Clue Reward.
- Sunfire fanatic cuirass - 10K PKP - Medium Clue Reward.
- Sunfire fanatic chaussess - 10K PKP - Medium Clue Reward.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (14)

Hunters' Sunlight crossbow
Thehunters' sunlight crossbowis an upgraded variant of thehunters' crossbowthat requires level 66Ranged to use. It is made with level 74Fletchingby using asunlight antelope antleron the hunters' crossbow with a chisel in inventory.

The crossbow usessunlightandmoonlight antler boltsas ammunition.

Hunters' Sunlight crossbow - 1K PKP - Pk Point Shop
Moonlight antler bolts - 1 PKP each - Pk Point shop

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (15)

Zombie Axe
The Zombie Axe has a very limited use on Roat Pkz, as it's dps is similar to the Abyssal Whip, which is also free, but you can find the Zombie axe in the melee accessories shop for free.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (16)

Hunter Guild Armour
The Hunter Guild armour is a new Hunter Armour set that gives you up to a 20% Hunter Skilling Boost! It requires level 72 Hunter to wear.

- Hunter Guild Headwear (5%) - 40K SKP - Hunter Shop
- Hunter Guild top (5%) - 80K SKP - Hunter Shop
- Hunter Guild legs (5%) - 80K SKP - Hunter Shop
- Hunter Guild Boots (5%) - 40K SKP - Hunter Shop

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (17)

Hunter Armours Upgrade
- All other Hunter Pieces have also received an upgrade and give xp boosts.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (18)

Mixed Hide Amour
Mixed hide armour is a set of ranged armour obtained for free in the Ranged Accessories shop.

Requiring level 60 Ranged and 50 Defence, the armour set boasts some melee strength bonuses that complement the hunter's spear. The legs only require 60 Ranged, similar to dragonhide armour.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (19)

Rain Bow
Rain Bow is a new cosmetic item that can be found as a reward from the Medium Clue Casket.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (20)

Trailblazer reloaded blowpipe ornament kit
The Trailblazer reloaded blowpipe ornament kit is an ornament kit that changes the appearance of an empty toxic blowpipe to a blazing blowpipe. This process can be reverted at any time returning the item and ornament kit. It can be found in the Slayer Shop for 500 Slayer Points.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (21)

Trailblazer reloaded bulwark ornament kit
TheTrailblazer reloaded bulwark ornament kitis anornament kitthat changes the appearance ofDinh's bulwarktoDinh's blazing bulwark. This process can be reverted at any time returning the item and ornament kit. It can be found in the Slayer Shop for 500 Slayer Points.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (22)

Trailblazer reloaded vengeance scroll
The Trailblazer reloaded vengeance scroll can be found in the Slayer Shop for 1,000 Slayer Points. It will change the way your vengeance animation looks like, you can always modify it by speaking to Skully at home.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (23)

Trailblazer reloaded death scroll
The Trailblazer reloaded death scroll can be found in the Slayer Shop for 1,000 Slayer Points. It will change the way your death animation looks like, you can always modify it by speaking to Skully at home.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (24)

Armageddon Weapon Scroll
The Armageddon weapon scroll can be used on an Armadyl godsword, dark bow, voidwaker, and volatile nightmare staff to resemble their corrupt variants from Deadman. Once the weapons have been created, they can not be reverted. The weapon scroll can be found in the Bloodlust Chest.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (25)

Armageddon Cape Fabric
The Armageddon weapon scroll can be used on any imbued god capeto resemble their corrupt variants from Deadman. Once the weapons have been created, they can not be reverted. The weapon scroll can be found in the Wilderness Chest.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (26)

Crafting Apron + Fletching Knife
We have added some more skill boosting Skilling Items!

Knife (10%) - 100K Skilling Points - 20K PKP Value
- This item gives players an extra 10% fletching xp boost when skilling.

Crafting Apron (10%) - 100K Skilling Points - 20K PKP Value
- This item gives players an extra 10% crafting xp boost when skilling.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (27)

Elder Maul + Arclight Special Attack Added
The elder maulnow has a special attack, Pulverize, costing 50% special attack energy. Increasing the player's accuracy by 25%, a successful hit will reduce the target's Defence level by 35%, effectively acting as a superior version of the dragon warhammer's special attack. Even then, due to the maul's stats, it is slightly more accurate than a dragon warhammer with an avernic defender, beating the pair by +12 crush bonus and +54 strength bonus. It does miss out on some damage as the dragon warhammer gets a 50% damage buff from the special..

The Arclight now has a special attack, Weaken, which consumes 50% of the player's special attack energy and lowers the opponent's Strength, Attack, and Defence levels by 5% (10% for demons) of their base level + 1.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (28)

RuneLite Snap boxes
The 'snap boxes' on the RuneLite client for widgets have been fixed and properly work.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (29)

New Examine
The 'examine' right click on an item now shows more detailed item data. It will tell you how much an item costs in the trading post, which monsters drop it, what mystery box it comes from, which clue it comes from & which wilderness crate.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (30)

Voidwaker + Korasi
Korasi now has a new special attack and animation.

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (31)

Trading Post Price Estimate
You can now see the Trading Post Price Estimate by hovering the Price Estimate in the Bank, Trade, Flower Poker or Duel Arena Interface!

Additional Changes
- More Piles npc's have been added to the Royal Donator Dungeon.
- The new minimum max hit effect with Tome of Fire has been added
- Another 200+ unique ladders & staricases around the world map now work.
- The new OSRS NPC Ranged Standard/Heavy/Light Defence system has been implemented.
- The new OSRS NPC Elemental Weakness Defence system has been implemented.
- Tumeken Shadow has been improved and the accuracy+damage effect has been properly added.

- Dark bow(BH) Special attack no longer works in 10+ wilderness
- You can now plant up to 6 box traps in the wilderness.

Bug Fixes
- The item list in the second trade window has been fixed.
- The Dragon Claws special attack sound effect has been updated.
- Fixed an issue with the Ammunition plugin on RuneLite.

😎Enjoy! And Happy PKing 😎

Blessed Dizanas Quiver | Blood, Blue & Eclipse Moon Armours | Tonalztics of Ralos | Echo Boots | Hunters' Sunlight Crossbow | Trailblazer Reloaded Scrolls | New Item Examine & So Much More! (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.