LoL: How to complete Tournament of Souls in expert mode (2024)

Tournament of Souls is the newest minigame added to the League of Legends client, released on July 20, which allows you to play Samira against other League champions in the style of a fighting game.

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While the minigame is quite easy to learn and pick up, things get a lot trickier once you start unlocking the Expert tiers, as you will have to go through battles that require good mechanics and combinations of abilities to win. If you’re struggling to make it to the very end, here is our guide on how to complete the Tournament of Souls in Expert mode.

How to beat each opponent in the League Tournament of Souls on Expert mode

Samira’s Abilities in Tournament of Souls

Before making a rundown of how you should beat each champion, let’s briefly go through Samira’s spells and their effects:

  • Q – Gun
    • Quickshot – Fire a fast shot for 160 damage. When used to change weapons, fires twice.
    • Piercing Precision – Three piercing shots for a total of 210 damage that break shields and increase the duration of airborne.
    • Deadshot – Puncturing shot that deals 70 damage and causes bleeding for 160 damage over four seconds. If already bleeding, the initial shot deals four times the damage.
  • W – Sword
    • Sky Scraper – Upward slash for 230 damage that sends the enemy airborne.
    • Back Atcha – Spin twice for 60 damage, blocking all damage and status effects while reflecting a max of 500 damage back to an opponent for one second. If Samira blocks 300 damage or greater, gain one additional style point.
  • Blade Drain – Slice twice for 175 damage, healing 250 total. If the enemy is wounded, heal double.E – Sword
    • Severe Strike – Stab forward for 265 damage inflicting wounded for four seconds. If the enemy is bleeding, refresh the bleeding duration.
    • Twilight Rush – Dash forward for 100 damage, breaking shields, and place a sticky bomb that explodes for 130, damaging all enemies after two seconds. Following with a gun ability detonates early, causing the grenade to critically strike.
    • Style on ’Em – Slash rapidly, dealing 230 damage, and gain one additional style point. If the enemy is airborne, deal 50 percent bonus damage.
  • R – Neutral
    • Chaotic Daybreak – Increase crit chance from 25 percent to 75 percent for 10 seconds, and unleash a torrent of shots for 700 damage.
    • Immortal Inferno – Unleash a torrent of shots for 550 damage, healing a total of 500.

It’s crucial to understand which effects and abilities you must use against each opponent, especially in Expert mode. On top of that, remember the right order of the combos so you can get the most efficient damage output to beat the enemy.


The recommended abilities are:

  • Q: Deadshot (Q3)
  • W: Blade Drain (W3)
  • E: Severe Strike (E1)
  • R: Chaotic Daybreak (R1)

This is the first battle in the expert mode and the main clue to winning this matchup is countering her healing. This is because Gwen can heal up a lot during the fight, so make sure to run Severe Strike for the wound effect (anti-heal). Since the anti-heal effect only applies for four seconds, make sure to time it well: look at the cue and get ready to use your E.

Other than that, switch from gun to sword with your W to gain a Style stack and keep comboing by using the abilities in quick succession. Watch out for when Gwen becomes unstoppable: avoid using the ultimate in those instances.


LoL: How to complete Tournament of Souls in expert mode (1)

The recommended abilities are:

  • Q: Quickshot (Q1)
  • W: Back Atcha (W2)
  • E: Twilight Rush (E2)
  • R: Chaotic Daybreak (R1)

Just like Gwen, beating Lux also requires timing. Her key abilities grant her a shield to survive incoming damage, and the ultimate deals enough damage to one-shot you.

Luckily, there is a pattern: she will use the shield and ultimate alternately and in between basic attacks, so you just have to keep those in mind when facing her. Save your W for the ultimate and the E when she has the shield applied.

To kill her, use your Q to deal damage, and you can even go for E-Q combos for extra damage. I would personally not do it often, though, since you want to have the E for when the shield is up.


The recommended abilities are:

  • Q: Quickshot (Q1)
  • W: Blade Drain (W3)
  • E: Twilight Rush (E2)
  • R: Immortal Inferno (R1)

Weirdly enough, Naafiri is easier to beat than some of the champions you face before. All you need to do is to break the shield whenever she has it up.

Build up Style stacks by rotating the abilities. Look to use E-Q-W-Q-E-Q-R combo to deal the most damage, and as soon as the shield appears, use the E to quickly break it. The job gets easy at this point: just repeat the combos all over again.


LoL: How to complete Tournament of Souls in expert mode (2)

The recommended abilities are:

  • Q: Quickshot (Q1)
  • W: Back Atcha (W2)
  • E: Style on ‘Em (E3)
  • R: Chaotic Daybreak (R1)

The key to defeating Jhin is blocking his fourth shot with your W. This rule applies to both his basic attacks and most importantly, his ultimate.

Pay close attention to how many bullets he has left and find the right timing to block it. Aside from that, just chain up the combos and finish him off.


The recommended abilities are:

  • Q: Deadshot (Q3)
  • W: Blade Drain (W3)
  • E: Severe Strike (E1)
  • R: Immortal Inferno (R2)

Just like in the normal League games, the key to not losing against Pyke is to let your health bar fall below a certain threshold, or he’ll execute you. With that in mind, play smartly and avoid as much damage as possible and use your abilities to heal up.

Use Severe Strike to double the heal you receive from Blade Drain thanks to the bleeding effect. Remember that the bleeding effect only lasts four seconds, so you need to cast E within that window. Spam E-Q-W in quick succession and every time they are ready: it should be enough to beat Pyke.


The recommended abilities are:

  • Q: Deadshot (Q3)
  • W: Back Atcha (W2)
  • E: Severe Strike (E1)
  • R: Chaotic Daybreak (R1)

Run this setup to deal the highest amount of damage. The key point to beating Evelynn is counter her ultimate with W, or else she’ll wipe out most of your health bar.

Rotate between your Q and E off cooldowns and extend the bleeding effect over and over again. Build up your Style stacks in the meanwhile while preserving your W for her special ability: listen to the number of heartbeats and cast the defensive spell as soon as you hear the third one. If you do that, you should be able to dodge the damage.


LoL: How to complete Tournament of Souls in expert mode (3)

The recommended abilities are:

  • Q: Piercing Precision (Q2)
  • W: Sky Scraper (W1)
  • E: Style on ‘Em (E3)
  • R: Immortal Inferno (R2)

Sett is another one of those champions where timing is crucial. That being said, there are a few other things to keep in mind, starting right as the battle starts.

Sett will chunk half of your health after lifting you up in the sky, so try to immediately fight back with an E-Q combo. He will also throw a series of punches: dodge the second with your W, or you will be stunned.

His other and last key ability is his W: just like in League, he will cast a powerful attack while also shielding himself. Break the shield with your E, and quickly follow up with a Q for extra damage.


The recommended abilities are:

  • Q: Deadshot (Q1)
  • W: Back Atcha (W2)
  • E: Twilight Rush (E2)
  • R: Chaotic Daybreak (R1)

Unlike other champions, Shaco has two sets of attacks he can use, so you will need to adjust your playstyle depending on how he plays.

If he disappears for a bit and reappears with a clone, use your E-Q to quickly destroy it. Remember that a box will spawn that can stun you.

The second scenario is when Shaco disappears for a longer period of time, and a jungle icon will appear below his health bar. To counter it, use your W the moment he reappears again and the jungle icon starts to blink.

It’s important that you don’t waste your abilities since you’ll need them when he goes invisible. Additionally, don’t kill the clone with your ultimate, or it will be wasted since the box will cancel the cast.


LoL: How to complete Tournament of Souls in expert mode (4)

The recommended abilities are:

  • Q: Deadshot (Q3)
  • W: Blade Drain (W3)
  • E: Severe Strike (E1)
  • R: Immortal Inferno (R2)

Always run these abilities against Viego. Severe Strike is vital to counter his heals, or you’ll lose the fight. Start the match with a quick E-Q-W-Q combo.

Viego will heal up when the screen goes dark, so use your E to apply the wound effect. Spam the combos in the same order until you have enough Style stacks to cast your ultimate and try to finish him off with it.

God’s Eye Viego

The recommended abilities are:

  • Q: Piercing Precision (Q2)
  • W: Sky Scraper (W1)
  • E: Style on ‘Em (E3)
  • R: Chaotic Daybreak (R1)

As the last boss of the entire game, God’s Eye Viego is the hardest enemy you will face. If you run the right abilities, however, it won’t be as big of a deal.

Be aware of when Viego applies Siphon, which steals your health. Try to heal up as much as possible in that time frame, or you will permanently lose that part of your health bar. In addition, you will notice how he will turn into Sett or Lux: use your Q to break the shields he gets. Also, don’t use the ultimate if he has the armor buff up since you’ll waste a lot of potential damage.

Aside from these tricks, use W-Q-E combos to apply the airborne effect and deal more damage. If you’re able to do as described, you shouldn’t have any problem taking him down.

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LoL: How to complete Tournament of Souls in expert mode (2024)
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