The Times from San Mateo, California (2024)

I I 1 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1035 SAN NATCO (CAL.) TIMES -AND DAILY NEWS LEADER PAGE SEVEN PORT PLANTS Kyne 'Ambitious Handicaps Slated Value To $75,000 Polo Campaign By. ROGER L. Ambitious to make Bay Meadows spring meeting, which opens Burch 12, successful the. year, William P. Kyne, gencral.

managor, today rovenled plans for ten handicaps with total value of between $50,000 and $16,000 added. is cunfident that hic can the apring meeting over in even, bigger nad better. Cashion than. the opening meeting last. fall.

Directors of the California Jockey club are chimi this move. Almost as important from national standpoint as the Ken. tucky derby trial will be the Californin derby, exclusive for three-year-oldla, with value of $10,000 ndded. The race will bring together leading 1hree-year-olds on tho Pacific coast that are camillates for the Kenlucky classic in May. The derliy will be held at the San Mate.

track. March Kyne was in. Loa Angeles today interviewing owners of leading horses nt the Santa Anita track. Ile bones to lure most of them here with a fenture handicap for al one mile anal one-eighth, which will ho worth from $16,000 to $50,000, dependent upon the numher of high class stoke horses on hand. Kyne gaid that the exacl valuin will he announced it is known how many contestants in the $100.000 Sauln Anita handcap will race here.

"Most of the better stables in Southern California are expected to ship here after Ryne explains the advantages that will be of. fered, 'The stake program will be close to the maximum of $75,000 it the leading stables ship 1n San Matco. This will be no increase over last season when it was $53,000 for a longer mecting. The duily purse merage is expected to exceed SG0CD, A possible reduction in minission prices loom. The grandstand will probably be cut to 50.

c*nts and the clubhouse (o $1.00, Passes will to issued only to cmployes, the working press and horsenten. A polo invusion of the Southwrest, and East will be made shortly by four western cowboys, headed by Willie Teris promipent Pcninsuln player. The Qual'tet, will leave about April L6 for points east. Tom "Red" Guy of Santo Bar. bara and Ray Dell, along with Tom bother, who is now starring with Cecil Smith and the T'exag Rangers, will maku the trip.

Games are slated in Arizona, New Mexico, St. Louis, Missouri, Oklahoma, Chicago, Cleveland and the famous Meadowbrouk ficld Long Island. Now York. Two carloads of horses, or nbout thirty-six, will be inken along. Plang call for participation in tournaments nt Meadowhrook for teams of 20 lest.

Tour rate 18 gonds present. Nnturally Cho boys expect to win most of their matches. Peninsula polo fans are' in for some good tournaments Turing the Inter part of this month and in March. Lin and Charley Howard, two of San Mateo's topnotchers, aDD preparing A San Mateo team for a high goal tournamcot in the near future. The team will consist of the Howard boys, Frank Fuller ond George Pope Jr.

Pope WAS re. cently given rating af fire goals hy the national handicap commiltce. This combination will be difficult to beat. Tho quartet will probably enter the inter-circuit 12-gonl tournament al Sonia Barbara on February 25 and also the Jim Colt Memorial trophy later. fa.

playing in top form again. Ele has long since recovered from the Injury received in the Pacific Coast upon tournament held at Boresford Inst year when his loss coast San Mateo the championship. Spreckels Ired at Santa Anita Ban ANGELES, Feb. Charting Stewards at Santo Anita track were discriminnting. against hina in refusing to grant him a traincr's license, John D.

Sprockels 111 today was preparing to move his stable of seven horses from the track. The Coronado nillionaire's twoyear-old Bon 'Time wng scralched by slowards yesterday because he had no trainer, Spreckels recently discharged trainer and asked that he be given a trainer's license himself. The stewards refused. Spreckels hinted he probably lake bis horses to Texas meetings. TROJAN NINE LOSES LOS ANGELES, Feb.

-Dan Crowley's All-Stars, -posed of and minor leagues, handed the Universily of Southern California baseball tean1 4 to 2 defeat in its first game of the season yesterday. BEARCATS San Mateo J. C. Cagers Face S. S.

F. Cagers Win '351 Title L'. A. L. DIN US Varsity South City 44.

Inn Mateo Ecquoia San Jose l'alo Alto 8 Wurlfogame 130. Sarcain Sar Malco 00 San Jose South City 31 Palo Alto Ag the result of double victorica over Burlingame for second time this year, San Blotco lligh schonl heavyweight bnaketball teams closed their A. 1. season last night in a deadlock for second place in toth the unlimited and 130- pound diviaiona. The.

Dearcats front San blatco, conched by Art Smith, trounced Burlingame, 31 to 19, 121 the onlimited class and eked out A 21 to 17. victory in the 130s contost, The games were pinged before a record crowd jammed in the Darlingame High pavilinn. Biggest Uuset South San Froncisco won the P. A. L.

chumpionshiy in the heavyweight division Inst night through the benevolence of Palo Alto's' unlimited team, which scored the season's biggest upect by defeating Sequoia. The 'Seguoinns, Lied with South City for leadership of the league before last night's game, WETC bounced into a second placo tie with San Matco when Fido Alto won by morgin, 19 to 18. The victory came as a conipleto la rabid Sequoin fans who were already lolking nbout a playoff for the title. Soulle City and the Redwood outfit wern co-holders of the 1931 chantpionship. Sequoia's 130-pounder gave their followers some rousplation, how.

ever, by winning the Lille in lheir division after chalking up their sixth straight victory of the seaEON. They routed Palo Alto 130s by a 20 10 score. San Mateo's victory past night in the 180. pound race placed the Rearcats' in a second-place deadlock with. San lose 130s, who suffered surprise upset al the hands of South City.

The Industrinl tenni. won, 20 to 18. South City had won but one gantc in this division previous to last night. Lots af Action Plenty of action was- displayed in the Burlingane-San Mateo The pound Tray was one of the most bitterly fought contests played on the Borlingame court this year. Coach "Swede" Right have won only one league, gante during the SPASON, but always singed a battle.

At halftime the Son Matco 130s were lending 15 to JI, The Panther 1305 proFel a real two-man team. only (To players scoring points. Beltcher, center, led the Righter coached engers with 10 markers, and LA Moy followed with accounting' for Burlingame's sum total, guard, Krumze, for- -I ward, were the standouts for tho San Mateo lightwoights. Walker tallied cight points and Kramizo six. The rest of the scoring WAS well distributed.

Burlingame jutel up another battle in the unlimited game, for the first half, st. any rate. The BeATcats led 10 tc and found the going difficult an inspired Panther team, led by Stu Howell and concluding Ethan Higgins, brilliant co-captains, a athletic career for Burlingame. Stars Londo Tocchini, one of. San Nateo's greatest athletes, wound up his Inst basketball game San Mateo by leading the Bearcats to victory.

Tocchini, playing A sensntional frame al forward, won high point honors with 13. Vandenbos, running mate at forward with Torchini, was next with eight. Williamson was high man for the Burlingame team, which coDeluded it: most disastrous baskethall team in the school's history by failing to win a league game in the limited division and but one in the 130-pound clasa. Willanson COIltributed five points. Thus brings to an end another closely contested league race, with the championship in doubt right to the final game.

San Mateo's rorord of four wins and two defeats in both divisions for second place honors with Sequoia nnd San Jose, respectively, la considered good by Bearcal followers. 'The scores; SAN MATIN F1. Bevier, Krumze. 11olm, Walker. A.

Medlar, Jennings. A Toiala 5 E30. Helmholty, 1.0 Moy, WHO Emox, Totala 5 al 1: San MATra Fr. Fl. TI.

Tecchini. R. Medar. Huber. Totals Howell, Higgin.a, 04 BEAT Stanford $20,000 Added Derby Today 1.05 ANGELES, Feb.

Leading three-year-olds of the tion will not their first reul test of the season today in the $20,000 ndded Anita derby. A crowd of 10,000 was expected. The Catawba entry ol Sound Advice and l'olar Flight wns made a favorite overnight 2 to 1, The Greentrec sinble entry of Gillie, and Poradventare also received' heavy bucking as did Toro Flight and Toro Nancy of Northway stable. Other contenders includest Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney's Pun. dit: W.

R. Coo's tho Milky Way Farm entry of Gallaclay. and Whiskolo; World Series and Shining Jewel from the nende slable; Corsicann stuble's Tolish Warm stable's Demnonstration and Mauler; A. A. Da.

roni's Aun O'Ruley; Ir. tr. Brown's Happy Helen; Belnir Sind's litter Pat; R. F. Carman's and J.

B. Partridge's Barcarolle. Yesterday Thomas C. Worden's Bert Reid easily won the Riversido handicap. Baxter Mile Holds Interest Ily LAWTON CARVER (Culled Sinff Correspondent NEW YORK, Feh.

The second capacity crowd of the track senten jam Bladison Square Garden tonight to see 4 program of nineteen track and field events. breakers from dozen will compete, but lite outstanding event will be the first anniversary of the Gene Venzke. Kill Bonthren-Glenn Cunningham mecling in the Baxter mile. Cunningham, bolder of the mile record indoors and cut, Boulhran, 1,000 meters champion, 'and Venzke credited with the best time over made in the Baxter mile, come Lusether for the second time in A fortnight. In the Millrose games, Cunningham evened count with making it three vieLories each, and Venzke finished close enough second to re-establish himself as capable opponent for the other two.

A record is virtually certoin in one event at least. When Jack Torrauce, the 300-pound Louisinninn, begins chucking the 16-pound shot at the indoor mark of 52 feet inches it is expected to be moved ball up, lie already baa hurled the better than 57 feet for nn outdoor record. Spitz of the New York A. C. And Cornelius Johnson, California Nogru, are entered in the high jump.

Outboard Regatta Time Trials Begin LONG BEACH, Feb. 16. Time trials for the third all- Pacific champion's outhonrd regatta Sunday started tudny. Orening the winter season, regetta allracted five 1034 champions. They are John Kovagoyich, Fresno; Will Withington, Pasadena: W.

McQueen, Beverly Hills; Connie Nose, Hollywood, and Foreel Lundy, San Diego. Among cont clubs to be reprosented are those from Phoenix, Lompoc, Bakerafield, Fresno and Oakland. Bayshore Entries Firs1-Fulurlay: Billy Murray TunA Colored 7a1 I Aal. L.arr Miler I a Catali Jess Lucera1 ill Traffic Buck ited Oakline Seroml Calin Fire bee Chih Tra! fle colonel Ben Bally ily Pearl Spect. Mark 13 iRals Camas Third mile: Miss Mag Big tr Sea Drift land Bill E.nce1 ll 1.

-Ia Mica Biphy Crouner Meadows coutse: Heir 9 Choice Brindle Ha he Hurry llome 1.7 Side Dolly Canera Sporting King Mar Ann S- IG mile: Norma l'Icer Carniel Helle Da I rew OConneinar: Dr. Silver BilL Carinen Caress F1141 Counting Officer 1 r-lie: Marlo: Campbell Flying Stud Plenty I'ntie Drasrie Ana Tulsa I'nt 4: kla5l BIN; Hall Are A Diamonde Arm latice Day Cinderella 03 win Jerry 1. Mic hth 1.9 mile: Res: fro tfle Lights Patty Warrior Madame Haft Carl Shuttle Gol-1 P'ete: Cora Diamond Campb.ell 5: Maid Ninth Inc Br 5pol Meadowa Denny Brindle Hole Katie Mar Caplalu Anla Court Sonny Andrew sh L'p 16 mile: Copper Bion: Mr. 11 Evonlux Starlight Golden HapPY A Skinny F.ilc Another Wayne Warner Ku.4'- Arly Connie Motor Rus BURLINGAME Frosh at Palo Alto Tonight After California Turf Gold (Bob C4r JONE OF THE BEST JOCKEYS IN THE HE WILL RDE THE MIGHTY CAVALCADE CAVALCADE A GREAT GATE 'Y' Game Is Set For Wednesday SaiL Matco Y. M.

C. udrd garne in the unlimited Y. SI. D. basketball league nt Vallejo tunight has teen called off, Robert W.

Simeork, exceutive secretary the San Mateo organization, nounced tulay. Instead Coach Joe Acheson's team will meet San Francisco V. M. C. A.

next Wedneaday night in San Francisco, A gauze has been tentatively scheduled for the Collowing Salurday with Sacramento on the local court. Return games will be played with hoth teams and the winner: will emerge champion of Northorn Gallfornia. San Mnteo is defending the Litte. Enst week the Moteans were virtundly eliminaled from the running in the F. A.

145-pound race when they went down before A fast breaking Olympic club team of Son Francisco. The $0210 players who come in the class form the San Mateo unlimited team in the Y. ME. D. league.

Vines Evens Score With Les Stocfen LONG HEACH. Feb. Ellsworth Vines made Lester Slouten for trouncing him in his home town Tuesday defenting his aproment, 6-2, 6.2, here last night. In other matches of the Tilden tennis troupe, Bill Tilden nail Vines defented George Lott Stoelen, 5-7, 6-1, 0-4. Titlen defented in singles, 4-6, 10-B, 0-3.

Tonight the professional tennis team moves to Santa Barbara, FRESNO TAKES LEAD IN RACE FRESNO, Feb. no State held undisputed posession place in the Far Tern, Boskethall conference today through a 05-00 victory over San Jose State here last night. The visitors let at half -time, 17 la 14, nail with four minutes to play the score was nt Fresno scored field gonl before the final whistle to tale its sixth Victory in seven conference contests. HOW IT BEGAN By Paul IF Dog Meeting Is Extended Baysliore City greyhound race, meeting been extended until March 9, closing three days before the spring opening of Bay Meadows, it was announced today. 'The winter meeting was lengthcued, said California officinls, will so that without Northnot be racing March prior Bay Meadows' 12, Tom Keen, truck extended the meeting after careful consideration of demands of ulcg owners greyhound fans.

The track wand originally scheduled to close next Saturday. Lost night Gorin Sylvanns, fawn star from the Walter Smith kennel, won hy two lengths in the Bayshore Cup race. The winning tro: phy was presented by Mayor John Lawson of Bayshore City. Eleven races are slated on tonight's card. J.

C. Athletes in Women's Attire Sail Mateo Junior college had its neck initiation recently with paddlings, songs and various other forma of amusem*nt the order of dny. Following the regular custom of wearing dresses, the initilates puraded around the college in varied attire. At the noon meeting in front of the school, the neophytes were erected with paddles, wielded by voteran members the socicty. New members of the society are: Norman Sloper, Noel Dias, Andrew McConnell, Ed Glenired non, Jou Jackson, A.

Neil Luttringer, Massagle, Alfrud Thompson, Harry List, Ed Bean, Bob Morley and Jack Lang. down, 54 SUN, Iverson, Rushton, Crawford, Tolala 19 PALMING THIS WORD TO MEAN DECENTIG COMES FROM THE OLD PRACTICE OF DISHONEST GAMESTERS, WHO DISTEAD OF PUTTING TRIO DICE THE WOULD HOLD ONE 14 THE PALM OF THE HAND TO B5ERE 'WHAT SIDE WAS UPPERMOST AND THUS FORETELL THE NEXT THACHI. FOR NES RAMSGATE TAF 15LE OF THANET, ENGLAND, 1445 ANCIENTLY CALLED THE GAPS IN THE CHALK. MLLS CP NEARBY KENT WERE CALLED 'GATES HENCE THE SITE OF THIS TOWN WAS THE "GATE TO RUIM LATER CHANGED TO DO Monday: Windor Glass: Rodumontade 1 you have 39) other Ideas as to HOW IT DEGAS write la caro of The San Satco Times you want to see how some otter pare ticolar custom or saying began. tet him and the answer be flustraled in this series.

JACK DOYLE, IRISH ABTTLER, FRIGHTFULLY NICE BLOKE By HENRY McLEMORE (Unlird S'reas Sentf DAYTONA BEACH, Fel. 1G. Wordl having renched me that Jack Doyle, the Irish thrush, was in New York for series of fistic engagements hurried to Mr. Roger Foller, a journalist of the London Daily activities Mail, who is here Malcolen to report the of Sir Campbell. "Bir.

Fuller," I sald, "I hear that Jack Doyle is in New York. As you have seen Doyle in many of his major tests, would you be so kind as to tell mo what kind of a fighter he is? Is he a stand-upper or a layerdon ner "Frightfully nice bloke, Doyle." replied Mr. Fuller. "Frightfully nice, and what 11 voice. I daresoy his rendition of 'Irish 'Eyes Are Smiling' has never been When he strikes that.

high note along toward the end I swear on can almost sinell the shamrocks, almost feel the River Shannon chbing and flowing about one's ankles. Oh, it is so lovely." Yes, understand he is a singer of note," I said, "Bul can be fight?" "And such an extraordinary looking fellor a box-fighter. Ino," Air. Fuller said, "A profile cameo. hair as WAVY AR that of a goddess, and a forehead so deep, so sloping, that une is re.

minded of a classic bit sculpture. An extraordinary chappic, indeed, Doyle." "Yea," said, "I know he looks like something chipped out of stone, and sings like a nightingale whose ront has just been reduced, but that's not what I'm after, want to know if the mug can fight. Can he throw A right "hurd enough In knock a monkey off an organ? Can be Inke poke in the belly without running for the springnard 2 "1'bat's that?" asked Mr. lee. "Did you say somelhing about a springboard? That's device for ming pool seif into swim- I projecting ano's or tank, is it not? can't the connection between a springbonrd or a tank with boxing." 1 took time out to explain to Mr.

Fuller that thy springboard and ring tank, while actually was often part of used ma-! apparatus, in! American boxing circles. no, nothing like that," Mr. said. "Doyle very stout hearted, and will fighl until hurt. scen hien take the anost dewithout vastating pokes in the' abdomen flincb.

Thirty-seven fights ritely he hng in nll, nrd he has defiestablished himself the has two round fighter the empire scon in years. has won 3G nf thera. The one he lost was a strange bit of doing. "lie way fighting our Mr. Jack Petersen, a 13-stouc bully.

In the first round he frankly admits he wasn't exactly the gentleman, striking Or. Petersen a severe blow in a portiun of the anatomy no1 countenanced by the rules. 11 was a must abrious foul. hut nothing was said about it, and the incident passed over. Everyhody, including Doyle, thought incident had been forgotten entirely, until the second round when Mr.

Petersen suddenly Tound himself in great distress. "lle reminded the referco of the first round foul. The referee checked up nul admitted, yea, there had been 6 foul. Whereupon Mr. Petersen exercised his and prerogative a3 a British heavyweight inencdiately claimed the decision.

"Ilis claim was upheld, and Doyle was the loser, much to his surprise. They even Look away the purso he hAd been guaranteed. But he still Did his voice. As he left the head beld high, he burst into 'When Are BAER BENEFIT NETS $11,000 FOR MRS. FRANKIE CAMPEBLL SAN FRANCISCO, -Feb.

CUPI- Heavyweight Champion Max Deer beard the sourest notes of music in nll the world Ihst' nightthe hoos and jeers of his home fulks, Ten thousand fans crowded into Uh: Dreamland Auditorium to see Blaxic "fight" Stanley Poreda, will. workman from Now Jersey. Instend they saw the act put on in Boston, in Miami and other places where he has appeared since winning the championshlp. The champ was at his clowning lust. No slapped.

He hugged. He lle hiniself wide open. Ic tied up Postaggered light jubs. left rein artfully, then let him free without punching him. He crowded the Jersey hoy into the ropes and wrapped then around his neck.

Ic til everything but. fight. 'Lefty' O'Doul To Lead Seals SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. (LP)-Frank (Lefty) O'Doml, New York Giants outfielder, agreed toray to manage the San Francisco Seals of the Pacific Const league on A three-year oral contract. O'Doul accepted the club terms niter Chories Graham, president of the Senls, agreed had to been pay (he demanding Giants $1000 they for the players' release.

One of baseball's hardest hitters, O'Dout will he plasing manager. Efe will cover left field. In joining the Seals, O'Doul returns to the teams with which he started his baseball career 17 years AgO. He is a Sun Francisco native, During his major league career he played with the two unit with the Nationals among other He succeeds Jimmy Cavency as pilot of the Seals. Caveney bell the job for two seasons.

Bayshore Results Option First 2nd 3rd Flash ....13.00 6.20 Ir.din a 34.20 5: 21.01 veroni Farm Relief 9.50 3.54 3.31 Foreh 12: 3.10 Tar toot. 6.40 Third 13.01 6.11 1.60 Lauri 6.61 5.50 WIse 011 1.10 Toutrih 23.10 10 1.61 Doran Taver. 2) 4.93 Tub Strat: 4.20 F101 17: Elan Lassie 62.23 57.40 10.30 1.01.1 Baby 11.20 11.01 Gary 3.01 $fath Lark 13 84 7.00 M. 61 Carers. 4.4% 107 To ....11.64 16 61 5.1 19.00 6.24 Hollister 4.

litho 3.59 5.20 3. 1" I'm 6. 3 1: 3 30 5.11 4.00 4.41 3.80 Ira Care 1.1 Tenth Mr. Mick $. 6.20 Friz F.rer.

1 4.60 3.541 The Jaurel 3.644l. Prelim Game To U. Cards BOB FAMED THE CAVALCADE! AFTER SANTA ANITAS GOLD AND GLORY! SMITH TRAINER MAN One of the strougest first year I in Northern California. will face basketball the San team Mateo Junior college tonight whep it tangles the site Stanford froth in proliminary to Stanford-California conference battle ot. Palo Alto.

Defeated only once, the Stanford to Babes the hare given sound beatings host teams in the 'reMarin, of the conference title with San Mateo, and at present sharing first place. with the Maemen in. conference standinga, W15 badly beaten by the Stanford Babes. Stanford, however, ran into plenty of trouble ngainsl tr.o University nf San Francisco frosh, and lost by A large score. lank Luisuti, Stanford frosh forward, has been the sensutiblE of frosh circles, Hailed ng tho est.

prospect ever to grace StAlLford nineteen squad, Luisetti has averaged paints per gunc against stiff compulition. Luisetti is a 'former all basketball mnn from Galileo High in San Froncisco. Lyons la Star Teamed with Luisetti at is Jimmy Lyons. I.guns is the real spark plug of the frosh team, and is said la be superior player to Luisetti in the fundamentals of the gome, Luiscui in the DiDLe dangerous man. Able to shwos icqually well with cither hnnd when he is OIl his game, Luisetti is nearly unstoppable.

Coach Murius McFadden, will delegale bia giant Swede Anderson, 10 atop the Cardinal ace. Anderson is the strongest guard in the conference citeuit, land should be to keep Luisetti well wader nineteen points. McFadden will start Johnson at the ollier gunnel with Arderson. Jobnson has developed rapidly since the beginning of the season, but still lacks offensive drive. has a fair eye, but will not take the responsibility of shooting.

and thus in not a scoring threat. Now Scuring Ace With. Calderwood at center, SIcFadten will have the usual scoring combination of Anderson and Cntderwood. This combination is tho best in the league, Duel has topped all other teams in scoring. lintry Fergueron, the only sure starter in McFadden's forward wall lins saddeny found his eye.

Although a little late in the season, Fergueson is now classed! as scoring Ebrent. Pergueson led the Mucmen in point scoring in. the College of Pacifie game Inst Thursday. The Maem.en do r.ot go into conference competition ngnin until Februnry the 22 and 23, when. they mect Sacimmento Panthers on the San Mateo court.

The have only two cunference sorica Irft, the 0110 with Sacramento, and one enriy in March with Modesto at Modesto. Only twice durnig the "exhibition" diel Baer get to work. Once Pareda nccepted an invitation to poke Maxic's ense not drew blood. For that Max knocked him down for three In the Fourth and finnl round, perhaps stung by the gallery cries to "Throw hoth of them out," Bacr dropped P'oreda for a -count. The exhibition and the boxing card that supplemented it drew about $17,000, of which about 5000 will go to Mrs.

Frankie Campbell, whose husband was injured fainlly while fighting Baer here in 1030. Baer gave his services for the benefit. The other fighters were paid. In the windup, ten-round go, Babe Marino nt San Francisco decisioned Andy Collaghan of DosIton. Marin Cagers Down Menlor: Succlat to The 'Times MENLO PARK, Feb.

16-Maria Juntor college's hnsketball team Kentfield continued in a tic today with SAIL I Mateo Junior college for lendership of the Northern Californin Junior college conference, The Mariners waltzed to an easy victory, over Mento Junior college cagers here last night. The final are elated to nicet again tonight score wAs 54 to 23. The two teanis with Marin again favored to win without struggle. San Mateo Junior college, with Marin of the championship, are innetive as far conference is concerned this week, having drawn a bye. The Bulldogs meet the Stanford University freshmen quintet ut Palo Alto, tonight.

Last night the Stanford frosh took hard fought game from St. Mary's yearlings by a 37 to 25 score. In the only other Northern Califormin, Junior college game on tap right, the Sacramento Junior college quintet surprised with a 40 to 31 victory over Modesto Junior college. Jaysce Netmen Trounce Marin A last minute change in schedule brought together the San Mateo Junior college tennis team and Marin J. C.

players in matches on the San Mateo courts yesterday afternoon. The Bulldogs of San Mateo won handily, 6 to 0. Bashor's Scores players match showed Coach a "Cy" follow: R. Shoemaker (S.M.) d. R.

Hipon, (M). 7-5, 0-3: 1. Petty (S.M.) d. T. Faust 6-0, 6-3; C.

Neeli (8.31.1 al. P. PApP (31), 6-4, 6-3: D. Kaufman (8.3 tl. T.

Mori (M). 1-6. 6.2; J. Frugoli (S.MC.) d. R.

P'alterson Carl. 0-2, 6-2. Douhles-Vetter and Neel (5.M.) Papp and Faust (30), G-0, W. A. A.

Cage Play At Jaysce Ends Kay Cassidy led her San Mateo Junior college team to victory in the Women's Athletic associntion basketball tournament just conclued. Mias Cassidy's team WH5 one of five organized nt the college. 'The trans played the new twocourt game, The twogame, although new, is by the co-cue, for much -faster playing is required. The teams were rated according to the amount of ganes Members of the holding the champlanship are: Kay Cassidy, caplain: Dot Hart, Henryelle Vulsvich, Elaine Olsen, Weidler, Jane MacKillop and Ruth McKay. Members of the alter teams who touk part in the tournament Are: (1) Franklin, captain; Le Pas, Rollberg.

Stumbles, Delehonly, Thomas, Salor, Hahert, Arnold and Abernathy: 14) Orion. captain; Ochsenkohl. Rabben, Klein, Pantages, Genlovesi, Dins, Farasyn, Colonsbo, flu. Art and Landor: (3) Heecher captain; Jones, Cunha, Pimenley and Fletcher; (4) Isernard. raptain; Irary, Jonca, c*nta.

Pimentel. Shiota, Tami, Largarntosino, Sweeney and Lambrook. Additional Sports I On Page Nine. ARMINION For Public ellere Work RACES 8:15 NIGHTLY Just below 5. P.

County Line; by Bayshore Highway or Mission St. Covcred grandstand. Free No unaccompanied children admitted BAYSHORE CITY..

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Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.