The York Dispatch from York, Pennsylvania (2024)

v' THE YORK DISPATCH, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 195S, 619 William Penn High Seniors to Receive Diplomas 0- Spinet BUILT BY BALDWIN SEITZ MUSIC CENTER PHESCniPTlONS r.imnicHQ immcirs Colonial PHAHr.lACY Sunday Service 2 to p. m. 076-78 S. George SL Phone 22558 PHARMACY Sunday Service I tn I p. rru 601 W.

Market SL Phone 6275 FREE fW1? S111 nd 319 boy will receive diplomas and eerti- exercises at William Penn Senior High School on May 29, provided that sufficient credits are earned by that date. Com- nightsay 23-29 1138 5een xed or May 25, with commencement Included are five boys who are veterans or men still In military service: Gary H. Gotwalt, Calvin B. Hildebrand, Robert Earle Keller, Philip Addison Metzel and Anthony Glenwood Preston. DELIVERY A COLD WAVE 1 Complete 12.60 Crtmi arf i 1 Cold Wave -'Contains Lanolin an Oil Con-f ditioner.

Exclusive with Gate. xsr i Open 8 A. M. to 9 P. M.

Gale's Qcauty Salon IS W. Martcot SL (Over Bolls) Phono 82963 POLITICAL ADVERTIsem*nT REPUBLICANS Dent Let the Democrats Steal the nomination For State Senator No Name Will Appear on the Votin Machine ipace For Republican State Senator James Richard Garrett George R. Gayman James Morgan Gemmill 3rd Gary Lee Gentzler James Gettvs Thomas Bavard Getz Donald N. Gibbons Jr. Michael E.

Gibson Larry Thomas Gingerich Lonn K. Godfrey Merrin J. Godfrey George K. Gosnell Clyde L. Gotwalt Louis F.

Grammes Ronald Eugene Gray Gary Luther Graybill Richard Kenneth Green Paul W. Groft William Jeffrey Gross Paul Thomas Graver Richard A. Graver Jr. Paul D. Gudat Leroy Melvin Hake Terry Henry Hake David Henry Hamberger Jr.

Dale Rodney Hamm Thomas Leese Hamme Samuel W. Harbold 2nd Richard Trostle Hartsough Richard Paul Hass Joe Nathan Hawkins Robert L. Heiner Michael M. Heinmger Jack M. Helm Charles Robert Helms Charles Emmanuel Henderson Dennis B.

Henry Donald Eugene Hess Guy Charles Hetzel David H. Hibner Pierre Allen Hill John Thomas Hoback John Willis Hoffman William John Holland William Christopher Hollister Robert E. Holmes 'Ted N. Holmes Donald Eugene Holtzapple Jay Charles Holtzapple Martin Eugene Honsermyer Curtis Reginald Hopkins Robert Errol Horn Ronald Merle Hughes Donald Eugene Hummer Gayle Patrick Hunter Barry M. Jacobs Robert Renner James Charles Taylor Just Nelson H.

Kahler George Eugene Kelly Michael Eugene Kinard Leroy A. King Jr. Robert Allen Kinsley Ronald Barry Kleiser George Perry Klinedinst John Allen Kling Edgar William Knaub Robert Schrum Knaub Jr. Lance D. Knettle Brent Richard Kopp Freedman Louis Kottmyer David H.

Kuhlman Paul E. Kuntz Dale Eugene Landis Edgar R. Landis Gary Norman Landis Linwood L. Lane Larry E. Lark Russell W.

Laughman Larry Eugene Leader William Blair LeCates Donald Richard Lehman Gene Richard. Lehman Gary Ray Lentz Richard Abraham Lentz Karl William Lightner Richard Lee Link Gary Lee Long Harry Camron Lyons Joel Clair Mackley William G. Mader David Luther Mann Kenneth Lee March Ronald LeRoy McCubbin William Wilson McDonald Terrence Alvin Mcllvain Michael McNamara Michael Grant Meckley Donald S. Miller Ervin R. Miller Forrest Raymond Miller Kalman Joseph Miller Kenneth Roger Miller C.

Richard Miller Philip John Mirtz Robert Warren Mitchell Ron B. Mitchell Robert Chandler Moor Niles Rhodenck Morton David Wade Moul Barry Allen Mummert Phone 82022 COAL Spangler Sprenkle, Inc. Seward 8t and W. M. R.

R. ROY W. SMITH For State Senator David Eugene Munchel John M. Mundis James F. Murtif Dennis L.

Myers Lawrence Bilner Myers Dennis C. Neff Donald Edward Neiman Raleigh M. Nevilie Spencer Leroy Newcomer Michael Eugene Newcomer Ralph Raymond Null Sterling Anthony Nusbaum Milton Linwood Parsons Lawrence Grant Peffley David Pfeiffer Walton Marshall Pittman Richard Jethro Poff G. Colin Powers Larry Thomas Pressel Marion Carter Pryor John J. Ramos William Joseph Ream John B.

Reed Samuel L. Rees Frank Lee Reynolds William Francis Reynolds-Robert James Richards Rudy Eugene Rohrbaugh Thomas Seiker Rojahn Alan Spencer Rosenberg Byron K. Roth George E. Rumsey Harold Leroy Runkl Russell Alvin Sehaad Leander R. Schwan Denton Eugene Schwartz Ronald Leroy Scott John William Seidensticker Stephen Eugene Seitz Norwood Henry Sellers Ray Gene Shaffer Ronald Eugene Shaffer George L.

Sharp George V. Sharp Jr. John Franklin Shedlock Robert Edward Sheetz Jr. Richard Lee Shephard Joseph E. Shipley Earl R.

Shockney Jay Eugene Silar Jr. Harvey Franklin Sipe Bert Gibson Sipes Delmar Harry Sipes Terry Lee Slonaker William Henry Small Ronald Eugene Smith David Brantly Smyser William Edward Smyser Charles C. Snyder Donald Ray Snyder Larry Dean Snyder Michael Leroy Snyder Albert L. Spangler James E. Sprenkle Jr.

Richard Eugene Sprig Guy Eugene Stambach Luther C. Stauffer Donald Dexter Sternbergh Barry Dean Sterner H. Emory Stiles William Hively Stiles Keith Lee Straley Dennis Ray Strickler Jere K. Sullivan Charles Jay Sweitzer Michael Jay Tamarkm John J. Thiebauth Jr.

Charles E. Tome Bentz Perry Tozer Galen Sanford Trimmer Gary Lee Triplett William F. Ural David Eric Waelde Ronald Lee Warner William Clifton Warren Michael David Wassell Sidney S. Watt Jr. Kenneth Bryne Weichert Ira Harley Weinstock Gerald H.

Wenzel Charles Vernon Williaihs 3rd David E. Wilson Dale Franklin Winemillr George Michael Witta James George Wood Peter Corson Yaukey William Buckingham Yeagley Jr. Richard Ervin Yinger James Edward Yingling Joseph S. Youcheff Dan Loucks Zeigler Gary Jack Zimmerman MONDAYS THE BON-TON Dept. Store POLITICAL ADVERTIsem*nT Carole Lee Kauffman Nancy Ann Kauffman Joyaxm Keener Jane Ann Kehm Darlene Jewel Kerrigan Connie Faye Kile Syrene M.

Kindig Sondra Lee Kitt Carol Elaine Kitzmiller Susan Allison Kline Alice Ann Klinedinst Beatrice Volia Klinefelter Frances Marie Klunk Dale Dee Knisly Janet P. Knoke Audrey Jean Kornbau Phyllis May Kornbau I so be 1 Anita Kramen Linda Jane Kugle Judy Imildia Kuntz Bonnie Jean Landis Willetta Marie Landis Ruth Irene Lauchman Winifred Diana Leese Shirley Jean Lefever Carol Lynn Leister Gail Yvonne Leister Odessa Lavert Liggett Portia Yvonne Liggett Ruth Eloise Longenecker Sandra Elizabeth Ludwig Connie Marie Lunz Mary Ann Mann Bonnye June Manspeaker Patsy Ann Market Constance Elaine Martin Brenda Ann McCormick Cecilia Jane McGuigan Carolista Keith McMaster Judy Ann Meldrum -Joyce Elaine Melhorn Lois Jean Melhorn Deanna Irene Miller Gladys Louise Miller Judith Lyne Miller Yvonne Alicia Miller Joyce Elaine Mitchell Rebecca Evelyn Mitzel Barbara M. Morris Pauletta Augusta Morton Judith Ann Moul Julia Alice Moul Ann Marie Moyer Beverly Ann Mumford Nancy Ann Mundis Suzann Effle Mundis Barbara Jean Myers Deanna Rae Myers Dixie Jane Myers Ruth Ann Myers Dawn May NiedzielskI Linda Ann Nonemaker Faye Elaine Oberlander Judith M. Orcutt Anita Louise Otto Bonnie Zoe Palmer Maxine Gvynne Paules Patricia Ann Pegg Janet Ann Pfeiffer Arlene S. Poff Rosa Lee Pomraning Ann M.

Pontius Patricia Ann Powers Janice Lou Radel Mary Lou Ramsay Brenda Lee Rauhauser Peggy Jo-ann Ream Yvonne Donna Rice Marianne Margaret Riffle Sandra Lee Ritter Nancy Lorraine Robinson Louann Helen Rohrbaugh Wanda Lee Romich Joyce Mae Rosenzweig Ann Elizabeth Rowe Joyce Carol Rubinstein Margaret Mary Rudacille Caryl Jean Rudy Susan Elaine Ruff Barbara Ann Ryan Loretta Kay Sanders Louann Schaefer Joanne Katharine Schlegel Mary Irene Schmuck Jean Marie Schrum Beverly Ann Searl Anna Mae Shaffer Sue Virginia Sharp Peggy Ann Shearer Patrecia Dawn Sheffer Norma Fae Shelton Darlene Suzanne Shenberger Beverly Queen Shepley Nancy Jane Shultz Sandra A. Shultz Sonia Jane Shutter Linda Kay Silar Elaine Louise Singley Gail Marie Slonaker Anna Mae Smith Barbara Lee Smith Joyce Elaine Smith Judy Ann Smith Patricia Ann Smith Susan Resser Smith Carlyn Ann Snyder Sandra Jean Snyder Mary Louise Sowers Josephine Stella Spagnola Hilda Lois Sperling Melanie Anne. Spotts Linda Lou Sprenkle Vivian Lee Sprenkle I am a candidate for the Republican nomination of State Senator, and will appreciate your writing my name under the State Senator lever, on Tuesday, next. May, 20. Roy W.

Smith POLITICAL ADVERTIsem*nT The Democrats Are Trying to Secure This Nomination BOSS IT Faster Better Easier R. D. No. 7 York, Pa. Tractor $339.

5 Toolt latrm SERVICE POLITICAL ADVERTIsem*nT Barbara Louise Stock Virginia Ann Stokes Patricia A. Stough Patricia J. Stover Patricia Elaine Strausbaugh Kay Randy Sullivan Lois Therm a Swartz Barbara Jeanne Swords Annette Talley Linda Frances Tarbet Donna Lee Taylor Evelyn Simone Taylor Joyce Elaine Taylor Judy Ann Taylor Sandra Louise Taylor Joan G. L. Terpak M.

Deborah Thatcher Sandra Dollean Thomas Naomi D. Tomita Georetta V. Trimmer Margaret Marie Trimmer Rae Lorraine Urey Judy Etta Wagner Linda Gwen Wagner Ethel Marie Wampler Pamela Kay Warner Barbara Anne Way Nancy Mae Weire Betty Ann Weiser Priscilla Gene West Judy Ann White Aimee Jeanne Wiest Virginia Rose Wildermuth Mary Elizabeth Willey Barbara Elizabeth Williams Judith Virginia Williams Leona J. Williams Elizabeth Anne Wilson Patricia A. Wilt Shirley Mae Winters Susan Jane Wisner Judith Ann Witman Beverly Dawn Wolf Yvonne Elizabeth Wolf Judith Ruth Wolfe Frances Ann Woodward Gloria Jean Wright Diane A.

Yingling Joyce A. Zarioss Carolyn J. Zartman Barbara Sue Zech Janet Lora Zeiders Berneda E. Zeltwanger BOYS Kenneth Eugene Abel Robert Harry Abreght John G. Adams Maurice L.

Adams Roger K. Allison Thomas E. Alwin Lyle C. Andersen Michael B. Anstin Frederick Arthur Avila Earl Stewart Baer Jr.

Michael Burg Baer Lionel Bailey Thomas Emerson Bair William Max Bair Michael E. Baker Barry Allen Baker David L. Barkdoll Barry Lee Barley Jack Russell Barnhart Richard Louis Baum Ralph Noyes Beach Dan K. Beard Jr. Eugene Melvin Becker Ronald Leroy Becker Kenneth Earl Bemiller Donald G.

Benedict Jr. William James Benedict Ray E. Bentley Robert Otha Biedelman William H. Billett John F. Binder Ronald Leon Blasser Barry Lee Bloss Lonnv Carl Bones David Eugene Boose Richard Charles Bosserman Carney Bowman Carroll Osborne Boyd Robert K.

Boyd Donald F. Bradley John George Brown Michael David Brown Gary Charles Buchar Ronald Ervin Buchar Glenn Alden Burg John Donald Butcher Lani Richard Buttrey William Richard Cairns Robert Eugene Clark William Sterling Clark John Irvin Colaren 3rd Robert J. Conrad Thomas R. Coons Henry Westly Cosgrove Richard Henry Crouse Jr. Harry Roman Cunningham Marlin Dale Cutshall Earl Stanhope Davis Jr.

F. Charles DeBeukelaer Ronald Oliver Dentler Richard Anton Doering Jr. Joel Cleve Duttera Floyd Walter Egger Barry Nelson Einsig David Lynn Engdahl Dennis Ray Ensminger Richard A. Ensminger Richard L. Eppinger Larry Ray Estep Brian Lindon Everett Charles George Everett Ronald McKinley Everett John Parker Fahringer Wayne H.

Fidler Darius Keye Firestone Harry O. Fishel Jr. Winston Lynn Fisher Ted Kinley Fitzkee Clair Leon Flinchbaugh --Dale Eugene Flinchbaugh Michael Clinton Foltz TALENT SHOW TONIGHT Jefferson Lutheran Youths Will Sponsor Affair Bake Sale Also Scheduled JEFFERSON, May 17 The Luther League of Trinity Lutheran Church will sponsor a talent show at 7:30 p. m. today at the municipal memorial hall in Jefferson.

Dean Hoqver will be master of ceremonies. A bake sale will take place after the show. The community Memorial Day parade committee met and made plans for the parade to be held on Sunday, May 25, starting at 2:30 p. m. Formation will take place in back of the Jefferson Memorial HalL Night of Muslo Set A night of music by Les Hildebrand and his Orchestra sponsored by the Sunshine Workers Class will be held Saturday, May 24, at 8 p.

m. in the municipal memorial halL Proceeds will for the parish hall. New Lutheran hymnals were dedicated Sunday morning at Trinity Lutheran Church. The Rev. George A.

Heisey and Elders Park F. Trump and Daniel Baum represented Christ United Church of Christ at the meeting of Mercersburg synod in Canadochly church, near Hallam, Tuesday. riiverlielohT5v Eli)-'; HOUSEWARES PAINT POWER TOOLS York Paint Hdwe. Co. 203 West Market Street EUGENE JACOBS On The Square OPEN MONDAYS Th CAREVA Company Wholesale Distributor Visit Our Showroom 545 East Princess Street Plumbing, Heating Equipment COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE 111 tfbr4 2906 Cast Market St.

Yoo can RENT an AUTOMATIC ironer Call Yorks Exclusive Ironrlte Rental Agency. STRAWBRIDGE ELEC. SERVICE 114 W. Kin 82764 8 I f1 i I W. 1 at Super Savings on Mark Down SPECIALS pt- 39c qt 69c get BRUCE today at FOOD STORES SHOES OF QUALITY FOR Men Women Children Where You Get a GREEN STAMPS Closed Mondays Open Thurs.

and Sat 9:30 to 5:30 Wed. and Frl. 9:30 to QUALITY RADIOS REFRIGERATORS TELEVISION FREEZERS FIDELITY RANGES AIR CONDITIONERS WASHERS and DRYERS Your PHILCO Dealer Wholesai Distributor Ehelman Supply Co. YORK LANCASTER Slenderizina No Disrobing! Reduce Relax Keep Fit GIRLS Linda Jane Abrams Elizabeth Ann Ahrens Joyce Marie Albright Sally Ann Allen Jane M. Althoff Kathryn Elaine Anderson Joyce E.

Angel Joan Marie Arnold Marilyn L. Arnold Norma Jean Avis Patricia Ann Axe Karin Backa Lois Elaine Backel Barbara Ann Bahn Norma Jean Barley Joyce Marie Barnhart Barbara Kay Bartell -Judy Jane Bartell Barbara Louise Beach-Donna Marie Beck Erlmon Elizabeth Beever Eva Z. Benedict Judith Suzanne Berck Jacqueline M. Bergdoll -Jane Audrey Berkheimer Brenda Lynn Berkowitz Myerlin Ann Blanchard Linda Lee Blouse Janette D. Border Lois Ann Bosserman Renee Ann Botterbusch Barbara Ann Boyer Penelope Reed Boyer Dotty Ann Brillhart Lois Jane Brosend Lois Elaine Brothers Brenda Kathryn Brown Nancy Jo Brown Patty Lou Browne Alma Mae Bruggeman Gena Ellen Bull Judith Marie Bush Dianna LaFae Campbell Ann L.

Christensen Mary Ann Chronister Judith Ann Clancy Isabel Craig Clippinger Geraldine Geri Coger Pauline Gertrude Cohen Lynda Ann Cohn Jacquelyn Lee Crawford Jeanne Augusta Crist Jean Yvonne Criswell Lucy Carol Crouse Lola Jane Cunningham Joan Lorraine Cushioner Priscilla Elaine Dallmeyer Diane Elizabeth Della Cassandra Dellinger Sue Ann Denny Delores Ann Doll M. Jane Drayer Jean E. Eberlin Kathryn F. Eckenrode Marcia Shirley Ehrhart Bonita Zoe Eichelberger Elisabeth Ellenbogen Susan Sechrist Ensminger Susan Elizabeth Enterline Marcia L. Eveson Sylvia Blanche Eyler Jane Elizabeth Eyster Janice Lorraine Fadely Mary E.

Falkenstein Esther Elaine Ferre Joyce Marie Fink Barbara E. Fireston Gloria Ann Fitzkee Brenda Joyce Flohr Gwendolyn L. Fraley Sandra Ann Freed Shirley Ann Frey Ruth Ann Geisehnan Shirley J. Geltz Barbara Ann Getz Beverly Dawn Golden Shirley Jean Graser Carol Lynn Green Margaret F. Gregory Dawn Sharon Grimm Nancy Lee Grissinger Sandra Faye Groh Margaret Ann Grov Ruth Elinor Grove Carol Ann Gundlach Beverly Ann Hafer Deana Lee Halterman Gail Marie Hamberger Linda Lou Harbold Wilma Ann Hauff Carol Ann Heede Jane Elizabeth Heller Clayanna Jane Hengst Donaline Wendv Herman Sonja Lee Hershey Martha E.

Hespenheid Joyce D. Hickman Kathryn Ann Hill Barbara Ann Hilt Julia Mae Hines Brenda Lee Hockenbrocht Jane Louise Holland Brenda Louise Houseal Dorothy Lee Houseal Judith Ann Howe Joyce Elaine Ilgenfritz Nancy Ann Jackson Betty Jane Jenkins Fay Ellen Jenkins Aleeia Ann Jordan Linda Nancy Jordan Elaine Christine Kapp SPEAKER ANNOUNCED National Mission Board Member Will Talk at Locust Grova Church Tomorrow LOCUST GROVE. May 17 Roy C. Timm of Buffalo, N. a mem ber of the Board of National Missions of the Evangelical and Reformed, United Church of Christ, will speak in' the worship at 9:15 a.

m. tomorrow at Locust Grove United Church of Christ He and several other members of the national missions board are in York for the semi-annual meeting of the board tomorrow through Tuesday. George Hummer, superintendent will preside in the church school session at 10:30 a. m. The Board of Christian Education will meet at 7:30 p.

m. Monday. Luther Summers, vice presi dent, will preside. Plans will be made for teacher training classes to be held in September during the visitation of a field worker, Miss Irene Balliet. The executive meeting of Boy Scout Troop 80 will be held at 8:30 p.

m. Tuesday. James Druck, scoutmaster, will be in charge and the committee will review plans for cabin to be erected in York county, a project of the troop. Members of the Youth Fellowship will meet at 7 p. m.

Wednesday. The program win be under the direction of the Faith Committee, headed by Maryanne Smith. Reports on a week-end trip to Camp Michaux will ba given by Kr-Myers and Barbara Swartz. PAINT GLOVES USED ONCE CHICAGO Now on tha market are cheap polyethylene gloves, to keep paint off your hands, and a polyethylena cover for the paint can. The plastic items are used once, then thrown away.

P0Wf mnvATC TOUR GARDEN s-Hp) GRAVELY MAKES TOUGH JOBS EASY! Gravely docs jobs other tractor on't, because Gravely alone has that extra power and versatility you need for the toughest lawn, garden, field and farm job, even on steep lopes Gravelys all muscle its direct engine drive puts power where it counts at the working tool All-Gear Drive, Power Reverse, Easy Handling. Push-Button Starter opdonaL IE a il Don't take our word COMPARE Ask foe Free Demonstration on your own gmunds. Or mail postcard for new 24-page Booklet TODAY! PKESCISDIP0MS' Bring Us Your Doctors Prescriptions for prompt, professional service and uniformly fair prices MORRIS DRUG COMPANY 7 East Market Street Phone 82245 FREE DELIVERY PHSCKIPIIIMIS Call 47-3331 1 Mile North of Stony Brook AUTHORIZED SALES AND POLITICAL ADVERTIsem*nT POLITICAL ADVERTIsem*nT SERVICES ANNOUNCED BY MT. ZION PASTOR MT. ZION, May 17 A brief congregational meeting will be held at the close of the worship service of Mt.

Zion Lutheran Church on Sunday at 10:15 a. m. Sunday school will meet tt 9 t. m. and the junior church at 10:15 a.

m. The junior church executive committee will meet in the parsonage at 6:30 p. m. under the chairmanship of the diector, Mrs. Russell B.

Witter. The nursery and kindergarten will be supervised during the morning worship service by Mrs. Roy Rentzel, Sandra Rentzel, Linda Helm, Mrs. David Leibemsperger and Mrs. Paul Schrum.

Greeters for the service will be Hilton B. Murray, Waltter F. Whiteford and John B. Hoover. Rodney Spangler will serve as acolyte.

The churchs Family Night executive committee will meet in the parsonage Monday at 7 p. followed by the bi-monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Sunday school at p. m. BLOCK PARTY, PARADE SET AT GETTYSBURG GETTYSBURG, May 17 At meeting of the V. F.

W. and Home Association at the post home. plans were outlined for the first annual block party of Gettsyburg F. W. beginning Monday and extending throughout next week.

The block party, to be held beside the post home, will begin Monday at 7:30 p. m. with a parade leaving the post home and marching to the Court House, north on Baltimore street to Lincoln square, then on York street to fourth street and south on Fourth street to the post home. The parade units participating will be: The Gettysburg High School band, the Blue and Gray band and the Kiltie band of York. Marching units will include the Carlisle, Shippensburg, Harney and Gettysburg Veterans of Foreign Wars saluting squads.

Livengood tke Man, the Parent, the Lawyer, the Statesman, the Republican Candidate lL for Governor. Integrity above reproach. Very friendly and interested in people. Experienced in Pennsylvania State Government and its operation. i Cxi No Candidate know Pennsylvania as well.

11 'l Good Administrator who will make early improvements. Outside interests will not distract State from responsibilities. Only sound Government practices approved. Dependable and Loyal to God, State and Nation. MEETING AT JACOBUS JACOBUS, May 17 The York County Ambulance Association has announced a meeting at 8 p.

m. Tuesday at the Jacobus Fire Hall. FRANKLIN DISCOUNT Department Store 1200 West Market St. York, Pa. (Opposite the Fair Grounds If you believe as I do, In Moral Principles Instead of more politics, Vote for William S.

Livengood, Jr. for Governor of Pennsylvania. No. 3 on the Ballot. Remember the Republicans never lost a general 1 1 election when Livengood was on the Ballot.

John Znjder Wednesday 0 A. BL P. K. Thursday Friday 9 A. M.

to 10 P. M. Saturday A- M. to P. M.

1111 West Market Street Phils. and Beaver Street 6C3-10 South Georgo Street East York Co. Shopping Ctr..

The York Dispatch from York, Pennsylvania (2024)


Why is York, PA famous? ›

It was in York that the Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, proclaimed the first National Day of Thanksgiving, and signed the French Treaty of Alliance. All of these events occurred in the nine months York remained Capital of the United States – until June 27, 1778.

Where is the York Dispatch located? ›

York Dispatch Newspaper Offices
Location15 and 17 E. Philadelphia St., York, Pennsylvania
Coordinates39°58′24″N 76°43′41″W
Area0.2 acres (0.081 ha)
9 more rows

How do I contact the York Dispatch? ›

How to reach us: Readers can direct questions and comments to Editor Patrick DeLany by calling (717) 505-5410 or emailing Tips and requests for coverage should be directed to City Editor Gayle Eubank, who can be reached at (717) 505-5425 or .

What was York known for in Pennsylvania colony? ›

The Continental Congress passed the Articles of Confederation in York while it was the national capital during the British occupation of Philadelphia (Sept. 30, 1777–June 27, 1778).

What food is York, PA known for? ›

There is more to snack foods than chips, of course. York County is also a huge manufacturer of pretzels. And it used to be the home of a confection that was known around the world – the York Peppermint Pattie.

What is crime like in York PA? ›

With a crime rate of 33 per one thousand residents, York has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 30.

Who owns York Dispatch? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

How to cancel York Dispatch? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-800-559-3520.

How do I talk to dispatch? ›

When you call 9-1-1:
  1. Stay calm.
  2. Give your location, or an address if possible.
  3. Give clear answers.
  4. Follow directions.
  5. Remain on the phone with the 911 dispatcher until they've told you it's safe to hang up.

What was Pennsylvania originally called? ›

Penn named the territory New Wales. A Welsh member of England? s Privy Council objected, so Penn called it Sylvania (woods). The king changed the name to Pennsylvania, in honor of the admiral.

Was York, PA the first capital of the USA? ›

(WHTM) – The United States of America declared York, Pennsylvania the nation's first Capital in 1777. The British were advancing on the Continental Congress in September of 1777, which forced the central government to move from Philadelphia to Lancaster.

What is the race population in York PA? ›

White: 50.88% Black or African American: 26.52% Other race: 10.51% Two or more races: 10.34%

What is York best known for? ›

Crowned Britain's Home of Chocolate, the most haunted city in Europe and with one of the best racecourses in the country, York is abundant with culture and character.

Why is York, PA the White Rose city? ›

The city of York was named after York, England. York is also known as the White Rose City, named after the symbol of the House of York. Called “America's first fair,” The York Fair was originally held in York City in 1765, 11 years before the nation was founded.

What industry is York famous for? ›

York's Key Business Strengths

The city's knowledge-driven economy is amongst the strongest in the UK with a solid reputation for research, development, innovation and academic excellence. Industries which are particularly well represented include: Biotechnology. Digital, Creative & IT.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.